Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Imus and Kramer - Why?

These white personalities think they can call black women and men "niggers" and "ho's" because they hear many African Americans saying these names on a everyday basis. Since slavery is no longer visually in existence, we have all become desensitized to true meaning of the word and how it was used to devalue African Americans. These derogatory names are being used in main stream movies, televisions and music as if it is a part of everyday language. Many African American youths are not being taught the full experience, purpose and ramification of the Civil Rights Movement. The struggle of African Americans for social injustice was just that "a struggle" for years at the cost of many lives. I do believe the youths of today think this world has always been the way it is with little prejudice and no separation of races. And with very little understanding of the past "struggles", the derogatory names flow freely off the tongues and is used more openly.

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